Episode 25 – Chozo Language Course

Shinesparkers Podcast
Shinesparkers Podcast
Episode 25 - Chozo Language Course

Our twenty-fifth episode of the Shinesparkers Podcast highlights the rather impressive Chozo Language Course, which has taken data such as symbols and voice clips from Metroid Dread’s Chozo language, along with promotional materials and other official sources, and created a guide on how to learn this constructed language. The podcast features guest Deadweight, a linguist who has worked closely on the project, and details the story of how the community came together to work on it, and create learning material so others can learn it too!

Podcast is hosted by Amanda, team member Roy, and guest Deadweight.

00:00 – Introductions
01:37 – Chozo Language Course
29:21 – Mailbag
36:49 – Bloopers

Chozo Language Course on Twitter

Your Favorite Metroid Game 2022 (Poll Opens)

The poll to discover the communities favorite Metroid game for 2022, is live! People are now welcome to vote for their favorite Metroid title, with votes being collected between June 1st to July 31st 2022. On August 6th 2022, we are aiming to reveal the results! In 2021, 705 of you voted to crown Super Metroid as your winner, but with the release of a brand new Metroid game since then, will this impact the result this year? We will be looking to compare last year’s scores to see where each game will place, and are excited to see the final results!

Votes can be cast in our Google forms document here

Please spread the word and share it with your Metroid loving friends! The more votes cast by individual fans, we can get a clearer picture on what fans love.

Episode 24 – Lawrence Schwedler (Composer, Metroid Prime Hunters)

Shinesparkers Podcast
Shinesparkers Podcast
Episode 24 - Lawrence Schwedler (Composer, Metroid Prime Hunters)

Our twenty-fourth episode of the Shinesparkers Podcast stars Lawrence Schwedler, the composer of Metroid Prime Hunters, and many other video game soundtracks during the Nintendo 64 and GameCube era, while at NST (Nintendo Software Technology). Lawrence shares his memories of working on Metroid Prime Hunters, and answers our questions, and shares his thoughts on topics such as adaptive music, and how people can get into the video game music industry. We also answer our mailbag on the topic of accessibility improvements discussed on our last podcast.

Podcast is hosted by Amanda, with team members Darren and Stephan Wells, who is new to the podcast!

00:00 – Introductions
01:43 – Interview: Lawrence Schwedler
1:03:33 – Topic: Adaptive Music in video games
1:27:52 – Mailbag
1:35:06 – Bloopers

Links mentioned in this podcast:

Invisible Sound Design in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (By Scruffy)

Coming Soon: Your favourite Metroid game 2022

Shinesparkers will be hosting a new poll soon to discover which game the community considers to be their favorite. Last year, 705 people voted in our very first poll, and this year we want to do it all again. Since then, new Metroid games have released, but how will that impact the results this time around? On June 1st 2022, we will be opening our poll up to the public, and they’ll have two months, until July 31st 2022, to submit their choice. Only one game can win!

We are hoping to gather even more results this year so a wider pool of Metroid fans can decide their favorites, and we are urging people to get behind the game they want to see win!

Stay tuned for the announcement soon!

Community Spotlight: TorvusBolt

Our latest Community Spotlight is now available! This time, we are focusing on a pretty awesome community member called TorvusBolt, who is infamous for his speedrunning of Metroid titles, most notably Metroid Dread. Torvus is also known for his “Torvus Trivia Thursday” a weekly series of insightful information shared on his Twitter account, which has been informative and entertaining to many Metroid fans. He even insisted on creating a pretty awesome header for his own Community Spotlight too! We want to thank Torvus for taking the time to share his words with us, and we hope that our readers will check out his amazing speedrunning videos linked on the page linked below!

Click here to check out the Community Spotlight

Metroid Dread Becomes The Best Selling Metroid Title Ever

Metroid Dread has officially become the best selling Metroid title in history, with 2.9m copies sold! This was confirmed in Nintendo’s latest financial results, and includes physical and digital sales globally on Nintendo Switch, which has now confirmed to have sold over 107 million units worldwide.

We couldn’t be prouder of this amazing news, and congratulate MercurySteam and Nintendo on such an impressive sales total.

Source: Nintendo

Interview: Bryan Walker

We are thrilled to share our interview with Bryan Walker, the former Senior Director of Development at Retro Studios. Bryan’s credits include Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, and the New Play Control! port of the original Metroid Prime. He also played a role during the development of Donkey Kong Country Returns, and Mario Kart 7. Bryan shares his journey through the video game industry, starting with video game reviews, and on to Retro Studios, where he helped to bring some of our favourite Metroid games to retail. The interview touches on a few nice topics, which we won’t spoil in this news post, so be sure to click the link below and give it a read for yourself. We hope that you’ll enjoy it!

Click here to read the interview

Metroid Prime Hunters: First Hunt was made to tide fans over, Reggie reveals

Former Nintendo of America CEO Reggie Fils-Aimé recently published his memoir, Disrupting the Game. One of the stories he shares in it concerns First Hunt, the demo of Metroid Prime Hunters that came with the first launch of Nintendo DS hardware in late 2004. Apparently, Hunters was not progressing through development at the speed Reggie was hoping for, so he suggested making a demo to tide fans over. This was an unpopular decision with the development team at NST, since refocusing on a demo would mean delaying Hunters by six months, but Satoru Iwata and Shigeru Miyamoto agreed with Reggie. Hence, First Hunt was born.

In our interview with Hunters composer Lawrence Schwedler, he said that First Hunt was a proof of concept, and that NST used the lessons they learned on it in the full game. While it may not have been a popular decision from Nintendo at the time, it ultimately worked out when Hunters released in 2006 to positive reviews.

Source: Nintendo Everything

Episode 23 – Video Game Preservation and Accessibility

Shinesparkers Podcast
Shinesparkers Podcast
Episode 23 - Video Game Preservation and Accessibility

Our twenty-third episode brings two important topics to the discussion table: video game preservation, and video game accessibility, which impact Metroid fans, and video game fans generally. The team talks about how this impacts the Metroid series, and what can be done to change it. We know this is a topic that our community has been quite vocal about, and we hope that others are as keen to see changes happen as we are.

Podcast is hosted by Amanda, with team members Roy and Darren.

00:00 – Congratulations to MercurySteam for their Metroid Dread awards
00:32 – Topic: Video game preservation
12:23 – Topic: Video game accessibility
22:22 – Mailbag: What video game genres could Metroid explore in the future?
27:08 – Bloopers

Special thanks to Stephan Wells for his guidance with editing this podcast.

Feature: The Space Pirates

A brand new feature is now available on our website, this time focusing on the Space Pirate civilisation, seen in the Metroid Prime series. These pirates have been a challenging and deadly foe for the Galactic Federation, and Samus Aran has encountered them on a number of adventures. This feature goes into their rich history, and focuses on their physiology, culture, technology, weaponry and war, and speculates their future. It’s another addition from our team member Quadraxis, which we hope you will consider reading!

Click here to check out the feature