Donkey Kong Country Returns HD is poised for release on Nintendo Switch on January 16, 2025. It was originally developed by Retro Studios as their first game after completing the Metroid Prime trilogy. Unlike the Switch port of its sequel, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, or Metroid Prime Remastered, this port was developed by Forever Entertainment.
We regret to report that the original development team for Returns on Wii has been omitted from the HD Returns credits. The credits now end with a statement saying: “Based on the work of the original development staff.” This was also the case with Metroid Prime Remastered, which despite being developed by Retro themselves, omitted the names of their staff who worked on the original version. Since Retro did not develop the HD port of Returns, they are not mentioned at all in the new credits.
This appears to be a regular practice with Nintendo when it comes to remastering their games. We believe this is wrong, and we will continue to call it out as it happens. We encourage our readers to check out the original credits for Donkey Kong Country Returns at MobyGames. The original credits for Metroid Prime can be read on Wikitroid.
Source: Nintendo Life