Uncategorized 27 Jun 2021 Community Spotlight: Alejandro Aguilar Our Community Spotlight of the month is now live! Today we feature the work of Alejandro Aguilar, a 3D artist… Glaedrax
Metroid Prime: Federation Force 05 Jan 2021 Nintendo to acquire Metroid Prime Federation Force Developer Next Level Games Nintendo have confirmed in a statement that it is to take control of Metroid Prime: Federation Force developer Next Level… Darren
Metroid, Metroid Fusion, Metroid II, Metroid Prime Hunters, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Super Metroid 02 Aug 2019 How Shinesparkers got into Metroid To mark the thirty-third anniversary of the Metroid franchise, we got the team together to share how they first discovered… Roy
Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption 18 Jun 2019 Metroid Prime Technical Engineer Andy O’Neil Dies We are saddened to learn of the passing of former Retro Studios employee Andy O'Neil, a former Technical Engineer who… Darren
Metroid Prime 4 25 Jan 2019 Metroid Prime 4 delayed, Retro Studios now working on the project Nintendo have released a video today with some unfortunate news regarding Metroid Prime 4's development. Shinya Takahashi, responsible for development… Darren
Uncategorized 18 Sep 2018 Meta Ridley costume render for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate finally revealed Source Gaming just came forward with render images for a variety of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate alternate costumes which had been sitting on Nintendo press servers for some time now.… KomodoZero
Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes 02 Jun 2018 Interview: Clark Wen (Audio Lead, Metroid Prime 1/2) We are delighted to publish a brand new interview on Shinesparkers with Clark Wen, former Audio Lead on Metroid Prime… Darren
Uncategorized 26 Mar 2018 Nintendo Apply For New Metroid and Metroid Prime Trademarks Nintendo have applied for nine new trademarks under "downloadable videogame programs", which are Dillon’s Dead-Heat Breakers, Luigi’s Mansion, Mario &… Darren
Metroid Prime 21 Mar 2018 Feature: Stepping Into The Boots Of Samus Aran (Memories of Metroid Prime) Today marks fifteen years since the release of Metroid Prime in Europe. I wanted to take the opportunity to mark… Darren