Shinesparkers Feature:

The Chozo - Part 2

The Chozo – Metroid Era


The Chozo were seen throughout the galaxy as the most advanced and benevolent beings, changing the fates of everyone else. Before the Metroid era even began, the Chozo, represented by the Thoha, is presumed to have landed on the surface of SR388 for the first time according to the Chozo Memories. Investigating the planet, they came across a variety of lifeforms, many of them big and powerful enough to pose some threat. Eventually, they came across a new source of power, Aeion, believed to have originated from the planet itself. This power was first discovered when dead Hornoads dropped some of it and it may be part of the life force that all lifeforms on SR388 have. In time, the Thoha started using the Diggernaut to explore more of the planet’s geology. Soon enough, they came upon a crack inside of a cavern glowing with intense light. This light was likely a source of pure Aeion and a new age of technology rose, the Aeion abilities among the new inventions. This quickly turned into a nightmare since the X-Parasites were discovered in that same cave system. The Chozo observed the different stages of infection at first among three Hornoads, growing more intensely as they claimed their victims. Could the X-Parasites have a connection to Aeion energy?

This new unprecedented threat alarmed the Chozo, who then called for an emergency council, among them an Elder, Grey Voice, Old Bird and Quiet Robe. The Thoha decided to create the ultimate bioweapon, the Metroids, to combat the infection on SR388 since these parasites had the potential of destroying all life in their path if they ever spread beyond. Once the Chozo had bred enough Metroids to maturity, they conducted a test scenario on a remote desert area on SR388. The results were better than they anticipated as the Metroids launched themselves towards the X-parasites and drained their lives. The Thoha had created the Metroids with their own DNA, making sure that they not only could not attack their creators, but they were also controlled by them. With this level of control, the Thoha could suppress the X-Parasites near extinction. Their success did not last long, the Metroids entered a metamorphosis state, evolving into bigger and more powerful Metroid forms, growing beyond the Thoha’s control. Metroids not only exterminated the majority of the parasites, but they began attacking their creators at will. Due to their scientific nature, the Thoha did not have the military capability of handling the Metroids, so their contingency plan was to seal away the Metroids behind special Chozo seals.

They knew however that eventually the Metroids would likely break through, and with that in mind the Thoha sought help from the Mawkin tribe. An Elder and Quiet Robe negotiated with the Mawkin leader, Raven Beak about the extermination of the Metroids. Initially, the Mawkin military began the eradication process, but quickly, he realised that the Metroids represented a power so great that he could use it to his own agenda. Since he worshipped at the altar of power, he instead turned against the Thoha and committed mass murder, ending the Thoha tribe, only sparing Quiet Robe due to his knowledge of Metroids. Raven Beak, Quiet Robe and the rest of the Mawkin departed SR388 and returned to ZDR, believed to be the Mawkin homeworld to prepare the Metroid program. Leaving the FS-176 System behind, the Thoha were no more, and the void of power on Zebes and SR388 was replaced by Mother Brain and the Space Pirates. While the Mawkin celebrated their victory, it was short-lived when they discovered that one Mawkin warrior was an X-Parasite in disguise and chaos unfolded upon ZDR.

Before the fall of ZDR however, the Mawkin accomplished numerous things, such as the capture of Kraid, possibly transporting him from Zebes before its destruction. Quiet Robe was forced to experiment with local deadly creatures and turn them into bioweapons. Mawkin traitors and cowards were decimated by Raven Beak’s orders as he did not tolerate weakness in any capacity. He was also responsible for almost destroying an E.M.M.I and the reprogramming of all seven units that the Galactic Federation had sent to ZDR on suspicion of X-Parasite sightings. Priority number one however was a plan set in motion to lure Samus to ZDR in order to activate her latent Metroid DNA. This was done because Raven Beak’s original plan to capture the Metroids on SR388 was thwarted once Samus had successfully exterminated them all before he could take them. The E.M.M.I were therefore programmed to not only patrol key areas on the planet, but to extract Samus’s Metroid DNA, killing her in the process. Despite numerous attempts to kill Samus, she eventually found Quiet Robe after he saved her life from one of the E.M.M.I. units, assisting her by explaining the background to Raven Beak’s goals. She assured him that she would do everything to stop Raven Beak but alas, Quiet Robe was killed by a cybernetic Chozodian warrior, ending the Thoha for good.

For all the horrors and challenges Samus endured, the “Adam” A.I. that had assisted her since the beginning turned out to be yet another manipulative tactic by Raven Beak as he had pretended to be Adam all this time. Furious about this revelation, he was still not done yet with Samus as he revealed to her that he also was her “father” since he contributed his DNA during her transformation into a Chozo warrior when she was a girl, altering her genetic makeup. After a battle of fates, Samus still could not get the upper hand, thus Raven Beak was victorious once again. His arrogance would prove to be fatal since her Metroid DNA was also programmed by the Thoha to treat Mawkin as enemies. Her transformation into a Metroid came full circle and she attacked him, draining most of his life in the process, now a fully realised Metroid, Raven Beak, while weakened, was ready for a second round, but out of nowhere, a big X-Parasite attacked Raven Beak, killing him in the process by mutating him into a grotesque monster, ending the Mawkin as well.


Like their Tallon IV descendants, both the Thoha and Mawkin are tall and slim with big hands and talons, yet very physically strong, especially the Mawkin due to their warrior nature. The Mawkin have a darker feathery complexity more akin to ravens, hence Ashkar Behek, the leader of the Mawkin is also called Raven Beak. He also represents the ancient and peak manifestation of Chozo physical excellence, being the only known Chozo to still have wings up until his demise, meaning that potentially all Chozo once had the ability of flight. Either Raven Beak experimented on himself and gave himself new wings again, or his lineage has strong DNA that overcame the Chozo aging problems.

Culture and Technology

The different Chozo tribes from numerous parts of the galaxy sometimes gathered in a chamber once located on Zebes to discuss politics and other important matters, including the Metroid program. Old Bird and Grey Voice usually took the mantle of hosts. Both the Thoha and the Mawkin had super advanced technology, enough to affect and decide the fates of other civilisations and life throughout the galaxy. The Thoha specialised in technology that prioritised and benefited research and science, often in balancing nature to prevent disorder in cases such as the X-Parasite spread by creating the Metroids. Having had mastery of technology, also led to once crucial defining aspects in Chozodian existence. According to Mother Brain, the Chozo tampered with their own physiology to such an extent that they could live very long lives, but it came with a price. The resulting longevity made them unable to reproduce, hence a rapid decline in population began to unfold. This was a different approach to their kin on Tallon IV where they opted for a harmonious attitude with nature instead, possibly learning from their mistakes of tampering with nature too much. The Thoha wore large robes and metallic helmets, almost resembling holy spiritual monks with a touch of ancient Egyptian flavour to it. It makes sense too due to their hieroglyphic language and images found resembling ancient Egyptian language on any world they left a mark.

The Mawkin had more metal-plated armour representing their warrior culture. Raven Beak also featured a cape as well as a helmet ornament emphasising his high status, looking very similar to a kabuto. His suit had some similarities with Samus’s Varia Suit as well as both samurai and ancient Egyptian style to it with two red ceremonial scarves hanging on his front shoulders. These scarves had golden letters saying Hadar Sen Olmen – power is everything – which is his entire purpose. The Mawkin warrior culture was generally defined by an unnatural representation consisting of metal and technology, just like humanity and the Galactic Federation generally speaking. For example, sacred locking mechanisms throughout ZDR were purely made from metals, their infrastructure was hyper advanced and focused on power, durability and pride. Their lack of concern over nature was ever present in the wake of Mawkin footprints. This contrasts with both the Thoha and the Tallon IV Chozo where nature took a front seat, especially on Tallon IV. Buildings and technology were always infused in stone, plants and water. In simple terms, the Mawkin represented power, the Thoha represented science, and the Tallon IV Chozo represented nature. Both Raven Beak and Grey Voice were two out of three surrogate fathers of Samus since they both contributed their DNA when they began to genetically alter Samus into a warrior in a separate program from Metroids. They both betrayed their own kind, one by committing mass murder of the Thoha to gain control over Metroids, the other initially siding with Mother Brain due to some misplaced arrogance regarding the Chozo population and strength decline. It proves that the Chozo no matter their allegiance were not perfect by any means despite their reputation among “lesser” civilisations such as the Reptilicus.

Weaponry and War

Although the Thoha were not exactly a tribe of warriors or seekers of misplaced power, their hubris often gave rise to unforeseen results based on initial good intentions. The creation of Mother Brain as well as the Metroids were perhaps the two biggest consequences of their actions with the unfortunate outcome of altering the lives of several systems and Samus most of all. Metroids were created to keep the X-Parasites in check since they were too difficult to completely eradicate based on their extreme ability to reproduce as well as identify because of their cloning ability. Once begun as a safety measure to prevent a galactic threat, the Metroids themselves became objects of the same threat at the hands of the Space Pirates and the Mawkin, both wanting to use them as bioweapons against their enemies to gain dominion over the galaxy. Perhaps from an alternative perspective, the Thoha were actually responsible for the most powerful weapon in the known galaxy as well as destruction since they were the primary creators of Samus as a warrior. Her actions lead to the destruction of planets and countless enemies laid waste. Fortunately for anyone seeking peace, she became a force for good.

The Mawkin also waged war against the Space Pirates at least once, possibly on Zebes in the early days of the Mawkin and Thoha alliance. It could be that Mother Brain was still loyal to the Chozo because of the military prowess and relentless nature of the Mawkin, but once they departed, she no longer saw the Chozo as useful nor worthy of existence. As a consequence, she took over the Space Pirates and appointed herself their ruler since they became the new manifestation of exponential power in the galaxy in her eyes. The Mawkin also appeared to have zero tolerance for cowardice and treason, feeding both Thoha and Mawkin traitors to bioweapons such as the “Burenian Maw” that appears in concept art, and may represent Drogyga. They again showed their strength when they successfully managed to suppress the Metroids into the deeper realms of SR388 to avoid a planetary disaster. It is unknown to what extent the Mawkin had contact with the Galactic Federation beyond the acquisition and reprogramming of the E.M.M.I:.

Raven Beak was one of the very few that could match and also surpass Samus’s own power and abilities, making him the biggest threat to the galaxy when taking every aspect into consideration and the fact that he was also the pinnacle of Chozo military potential. If not for Samus’s Metroid DNA and her ultimate conversion into one, she would have undoubtedly died at his hands. He also carried his own version of the Arm Cannon, possibly the only other one ever created. Other abilities include a version of the Shinespark, a Mawkin version of the Beam Burst weapon with a seeker system, a Sunburst-like weapon capable of unleashing fire waves, Power Beam-based weapons superior to Samus’s, a Flash Shift ability based on Aeion technology, some type of aura based weaponry and much more. The Mawkin warriors under Raven Beak specialised in melee-based weaponry, often in the form of a spear or lance. They were also highly durable, completely covered in armour plating, silver and golden most of the time, and were very agile combatants. The Thoha on the other hand relied on both bioweapons and machines for any potential combat. The bioengineering of Samus, Metroids, Mother Brain and other creatures had often begun for research potential and the empowerment of the Chozo civilisation.


It appears that the Mawkin and the Thoha are all extinct after the events and destruction of ZDR. The link between Samus and the Chozo largely came full circle, however, that does not mean there are not other mysteries lingering out there in the cosmos for her to discover. More so, the Chozo apart from the Tallon IV faction must undoubtedly have had others travelling to distant worlds not yet known to us where they have established their own homes and cultures, but due to their inability to reproduce, it is also unlikely that they survived for much longer. The three major Chozo factions all specialised in their distinct abilities and focused on their agendas, but ultimately, they were all flawed. The Mawkin, albeit having greater power than the Space Pirates or the Galactic Federation, suffered a similar fate due to their arrogance. The Thoha’s unhindered scientific progress and lack of proper safety measures on their own creations led to their downfall. Finally, the Tallon IV Chozo, despite having learned from their Thoha and Mawkin brethren’s abandonment of nature and life itself, became too preoccupied with peace and harmony that they had no way of stopping their certain doom from calamity, later coming from Phaaze in their case. Will Samus ever find out if the Chozo exist elsewhere? Who can tell, but there are mysteries still to be solved and new ones to be found one day, we can hope.

Written by Quadraxis