Shinesparkers Feature:

End of Year Feature 2019

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It’s time for our annual End of Year feature once again! For 2019, we thought we would change things up a bit by having our team answer a few questions! We also asked members from our community to answer a few questions too.


The Team taking part in this years feature:

Darren Community Manager

KomodoZero Content Writer

Quadraxis Content Writer

RoyboyX Content Writer

Glaedrax French Translation

Mr. Mendelli Graphics




Question 1: What was your favourite feature on the website this year, not including your own?


I really enjoyed putting together the “Metroid Though My Eyes” feature, that featured Danior, a blind Metroid fan, and someone I am proud to call a friend. It was great that we could promote his condition and raise some awareness, and I would like to thank the UK based charity Fight for Sight for their support. I would definitely want to put together more features like this in the future!


Dream Crossovers, it was a wonderful piece where we all expressed our creativity for the ideal crossover.



It was the one about Minako Hamano. I did not know the extensiveness of her work regarding the games so it was an interesting read.



The Idzuki Kouji interview.



I liked the dream crossover feature. I think it was very cool to see everyone coming up with ideas to adapt characters from other IPs to the Metroid universe and vice-versa.


Mr. Mendelli

Super Metroid: The Unexpected Masterpiece


Question 2: Besides Metroid Prime 4, what Metroid games do you want to see in the future?


I think it’s about time we saw a sequel to Metroid Fusion, I am desperate to see what happens to Samus, and Metroid: Return of Samus hints to a story yet to come. Regardless of whether it’s called Metroid Dread or not, it has to be in the traditional format that Samus Returns revived so effectively.



Metroid Prime Pinball 2



Either a Super Metroid or Metroid Fusion remake, especially the latter.






I’d die for a multiplayer focused game with characters from the entire series. Some sort of strategical FPS game somewhat similar to Team Fortress with characters such as Gandrayda, Dark Samus, Sylux, Rundas… it could be so good!


Mr. Mendelli

Metroid: Dread


Question 3: You have been given responsibility to create a piece of Metroid merchandise, what would it be and why would you make it?


I think I would create a Morph Ball lunch set, where the ball comes apart into two halves, and function as bowls, and inside will be some themed cutlery, with handles based on Samus’ arm cannon and her different beam weapons. What a delicious opportunity!



Bobble head Samus



Probably some unique lamps almost like projector type of things. I’d also like to make wall lamps that could function as both art and lamp.



A line of action figures for each of Samus’s suits, because it’s long overdue.



I’d choose to make a replica of Samus’ helmet because it’s unique, iconic and looks really badass. Maybe for a collector edition I guess?


Mr. Mendelli

1:1 Scale Samus helmet, and to play the Metroid Prime games in it.


Question 4: We have just celebrated the holiday season. If you were to buy a gift for a character from the Metroid universe, what would it be, and who would it be for?


I would buy Samus some earplugs so when she faces Ridley in Metroid Fusion, she won’t be deafened by his ridiculously loud roar!



No. 1 Dad mug for Admiral Dane



I’d buy a special cable to connect myself to Quadraxis. It would have the gift of extending its reach outside Dark Aether…



A bottle of vodka for Samus b/c homegurl needs to unwind.



I would offer a Ditto cushion to Gandrayda. :^)


Mr. Mendelli

Therapy sessions for Ridley.


Question 5: Which member of the Shinesparkers team is most likely to be eaten by Ridley, and why?


You’re joking! I definitely wouldn’t want to see any of my team get ea- DEFINITELY Glaedrax, I can only take so much when it comes to his memes..



Glaedrax, he mains Samus in Smash and Ridley won’t like that.



Difficult to say, but likely Darren, he likes the Pokemon called Appletun, which tastes like apples probably, who doesn’t like apples, including Ridley…



Definitely Komodo, because memes.



KomodoZero because I’m pretty sure that if Ridley heard his Weezing impression, he’d eat him right on the spot! Also he mains Palutena.


Mr. Mendelli

Darren, you know what you did.

(Edit from Darren: Darren has no knowledge of anything he has done and you can’t prove anything *hides the evidence*)


Question 6: If you were given one of Samus’s weapons, abilities or upgrades as a gift, which one would you like to have the most, and what would you use it for?


I would love to have a Speed Booster so I could get to all of my appointments on time, after sleeping in for longer in the mornings!



Scan Visor, I’d scan everything and anything, I don’t think I’d ever run out of things to read.



The Dark Beam, then I could get rid of any light that bothers me, especially during summers.



Speed Booster, so I would never have to drive or take transit again.



Just her base Power Suit would be amazing. I mean, a lightweight space armor with infinite upgrading possibilities that you can summon in a second? How awesome would that be ? Otherwise, her arm cannon, since it can be used as a weapon, a hacking device, a syringe or even a USB key.


Mr. Mendelli

Speed Booster, I’d use it to get around without a vehicle.


Question 7: If you were to spend the day with Samus, what sort of things would you get up to?


In the morning, I would take her out for a fancy breakfast with pastries and great music, and talk about her many amazing adventures across the Galaxy. Judging by the games and manga, she has a huge soft spot for animals, so in the afternoon I would take her to a zoo. In the evening, we would play some video games like Super Smash Bros and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, but before parting ways.



Probably attempting some sort of fitness regime. I’m unfit as anything and she’d probably be one hell of a motivator.



Lead her to Quadraxis, darkness forever…



We’d shoot Space Pirates, collect bounties and cause wanton destruction, then lie on a beach and drink booze (this answer’s for you, Kabutroid).



I suppose I’d be fanboying over her the whole time and ask her to talk me about some of her epic battles!


Mr. Mendelli

Traverse the galaxy and explore alien worlds. There’s so much to see out there.


Question 8: If there were deeper connections between the traditional Metroid and Metroid Prime stories, what would you want to see?


I would love to see all the lore from the Prime series be recognised in the traditional games, along with its music and characters. Bring them together, expand the universe and enrich the Metroid universe!



Mostly just acknowledgement that the Prime series even happened in the traditional series continuity.



Considering how valued Metroids are to virtually everyone, maybe not so much to the Ing though, I’d like to see how the Space Pirates would handle the X-Parasites.



Logbooks in 2D games, deeper acknowledgement of the events of each series, and some worlds appearing in the opposite series (imagine 2D SkyTown).



It would be nice to see some familiar faces from each side of the series being interpreted differently. What about bringing Kraid to a 3D game since he was supposed to happen, and Dark Samus in a 2D game?


Mr. Mendelli

How Samus was brought up by the Chozo to become the bounty hunter she is known as.



From all of us at Shinesparkers, we want to wish our readers a HAPPY NEW YEAR! We hope you will join us in 2020 as we celebrate our tenth anniversary!